Their first studio CD for three years – named for an industrial suburb in Sydney, famous for its correctional facility – Silverwater ranges further and wider than the Necks’ earlier releases, exploring a more sectional structure that counterposes more extremes and contrasts, and has a greater sense of forward motion, than usual, though still retaining the long, hypnotic single-track iterative form for which the band has become famous. Layers and skeins of overdubs and textures give way in places to almost empty stretches, and there is much play with asynchronous time. Paradoxically, for a band famous for its slow, cycling, repetition, the Necks show again that they work hard not to repeat themselves
MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
Buy album as CD (£12.50 POST FREE)
ALBUM ONLY RELEASE – Preview here:
This is a whole work and has no tracks, but this extract gives the flavour…