A post Brecht song cycle, a development of themes suggested by Art Bears and News From Babel. Music by Berlin based Electro Acoustic composer Lutz Glandien, lyrics by Chris Cutler, and with the participation of Dagmar Krause, Fred Frith and Alfred Harth. At its most intense, vast electronic soundscapes are hurled at the music, a truly epic vision.
MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99


Listen: MP3:£0.70p|FLAC: £1.00 |
1.Still Asleep (Prelude) |
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2. The Same River |
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3. Seven Devils |
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4. Unquiet Days in Eden |
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5. Housework (Interlude) |
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6. Seven Veils |
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7. Pharmikon |
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8. Owls at Dusk |
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9. Red, Black & Gold |
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10. Seven Gates |
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11. Another Life |
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12. None Are Disbarred |
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13. Up To Our Elbows |
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