Oct 132011

A revelation. First released in Hungary in 1987, this is an extraordinary work combining ensemble playing, documentary recording, studio manipulation, electronics and some stunning compositional conception. Featuring Marta Sebastjen, the Amaninda group, WYXOMPHONIC group, Mandel Quartet and a star gallery of other instrumentalists of all kinds. A unique work we worked years to acquire – a masterwork in every sense.

MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
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Buy album as CD (£12.50 POST FREE)


MP3: £0.70p|FLAC: £1.00
1.The Wind Rises listen:
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2. Work Song listen:
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3. Timberyard listen:
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4. Church listen:
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5. October listen:
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6. Forest Opera listen:
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7. Ruin listen:
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8. Kapolcs Alarm listen:
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9. The Fields listen:
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