Aug 112011

Essentially a pretty great concert by a large 19 strong ensemble with Fred conducting as well as playing. Lots of rhythm, harmony, rock noise, exotic instrumentation, power, complexity and melodic writing, with stretches of chaos, eccentricity and theatre. Totally different, then, from Impur part 1 (ReR FRFC1) which was a deconstructed, spatialised simultaneity of musical events heard through open windows or by wandering through rooms; Impur 2 was an unannounced performance upon which audience members had to stumble (and then collect their friends – or not). The recording here was in fact made a little later, by the same people in a different artspace and has been edited and re-mastered by Fred for this release. It fits well in the aesthetic of earlier group records from Fred: Gravity, Skeleton Crew, Keep the Dog.

MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
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Buy album as CD (£12.50 POST FREE)


               MP3: £0.70p|FLAC: £1.00
1. Invitation-Invocation listen:
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2. Affront National listen:
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3. Dead Sea listen:
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4. Waiting For God listen:
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5. Danses avec les Rats listen:
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6. Nueve listen:
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7. Now We Know listen:
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8. Gaga-Kun listen:
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9. Don’t Say listen:
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10. Cuts Up listen:
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11. Le Sursis listen:
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12. ses habits de dimanche listen:
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13. Finger On The Pulse listen:
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14. La Derniere Valse (pour Mie) listen:
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