These are great recordings that paint the best – and most devil-take-the-hindmost – picture of this extraordinary, groundbreaking band. The sound is exemplary and the music constantly thinks around corners. Plus you have all the complexity and serendipity of live interaction and spontaneous rearrangement; you can hear the band is having a good time, even when some of the sounds seem to come out of nowhere. It’s a radical programme, all the more so for its shifts between organised noise, rhythmical intensity, lyricism, cultural debris and semantic complexity. OK I’m biased, but when I finished putting this together it was like finishing a new Cassiber CD and, arguably, the best of them. You really get a picture of what the group was made of. There’s also the pleasure of guests Dietmar Diesner and Rene Lussier on two tracks.
MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
Buy album as CD(£12.50 POST FREE)


MP3: £0.70p|FLAC: £1.00 |
1. This Was the Way it Was |
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2. Archways |
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3. A Screaming |
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4. They have Begun to Move |
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5. 2:00 in the Morning |
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6. Todo Dia |
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7. It’s Never Quiet |
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8. Six Rays |
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9. Prisoner Chorus 1 |
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10. Prisoner Chorus 2 |
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11. Oh No |
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12. I was Old when I was Young |
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13. Disk not Responding |
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14. Gut |
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15. Crusoe’s Landing |
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17. Our Colourful Culture |
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18. In a Room |
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19. Not Me |
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