Aug 112011

In 1988, I received a tape from David Myers consisting of music made purely from the internal conflicts of machines; sounds made from no sound – no input, only output emerging from the unstoppable flow of electrons within and across machines plugged into one another the ‘wrong’ way; these outputs then being controlled by David in real time using a mixing desk. The sounds were exquisite: ethereal, glassy, powerful, gritty, rich and strange by turns – and surprisingly varied. Clearly too, this was no surprised experiment but a mastered and subtle new instrument.

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1. Lathe listen:
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2. Engine of Myth listen:
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3. MG 24.312 listen:
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4. Prayer Cloth listen:
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5. The Heavenly Discourse listen:
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6. Jumpstart listen:
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7. Keen Tooth listen:
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8. Terra Incognita listen:
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9. Pink Porous Rock listen:
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10. Rare Power listen:
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11. Deaf Men Hear No Tales listen:
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12. Studio – Front listen:
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13. Studio – Back listen:
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14. Live – Front listen:
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15. Live – Back listen:
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