Jan 052020

A meeting that had to happen: the clash of tradition and experiment has been the distinguishing signature style of both protagonists, and they aren’t holding back on this rather unusual record. Paulo’s virtuosity – and his customised, cello-sized, extended and prepared Sardinian guitar – designed to do several things at once, some of them hardly believable – engages head-on with Iva’s extended violin and take no-prisoners vocalising. Professional recordings made at concerts in Ghent, Prague and Lisbon. Not for the quiet-lifers and faint hearted.

MP3 – £6.99
FLAC – £9.99
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Buy album as CD (£12.50 POST FREE)


MP3: £0.70p|FLAC: £1.00
1.Apertura listen:
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2. Due contro Tre listen:
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3. Senso Orario listen:
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4. Attese listen:
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5. Alle Spalle listen:
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6. Risvegli listen:
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7. Transizioni listen:
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8. Zeleny Vincek/Green Wrap listen:
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9. Post It listen:
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10. Richiami listen:
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11. Rosso Mattone listen:
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12. Risoluzioni listen:
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13. Frammenti listen:
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